All Interview Links are sent out to your email address.
Here are the ways how you can check if you've received an interview link:
If you have started the interview and submitted your personal details including an email address, search for an email from with keywords in the title ‘Online Interview Started’. This has your unique link back to your you Chat Interview.
If a link was sent from the company you have applied for, search for the company name in your email (including junk/spam folders). Other key words to search for include: ‘Online Interview’ or ‘Chat’ or ‘Assessment’.
If you have not started your interview yet, but have received an interview invite, search for an email with keywords in the title "Congratulations you are progressing" or "interview"
Don’t forget to check your Spam/Junk folder. Sometimes, emails can't find their way directly to your inbox and gets routed to your Spam/Junk folder.